James Register began farming in 1977. He received a Bachelors Degree in Science and Geology from Florida State University as well as a Masters Degree in Biochemistry at Trinity University. James spent 17 years in research before becoming a farmer and now because of that background in chemistry he is interested in the scientific aspects of farming. He loves being able to carry on the family farming tradition. He himself is a fourth generation farmer and with the help of his family his grandchildren will follow in the footsteps and become the sixth generation of Register farmers. He is married to Barbara Register, has three sons and one daughter, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Adam Braddock leased his first fernery in 1984, just two years after graduating from Taylor Middle High school. In the early days, Adam shipped his own product before joining FernTrust. As a young entrepreneur, he saw a need to assist other growers with irrigation installation so 31 years ago he bought his first trencher. Today Adam is the premiere installer for agricultural irrigation in the area. While growing this business, Adam also worked to expand his fern operation significantly. Today Adam oversees more than thirty acres of leatherleaf, treefern and plumosus. Adam has two adult children, Laykin and Hunter and lives in Seville with wife Lori.
John Hoblick has been a farmer since the day he was born. He attended the University of Florida and received a degree in Ornamental Horticulture. He began farming independently in 1986 and has been for more than 23 years experience in the cut foliage industry. John grows an array of foliage including Nagi, Variegated Pitt, Aspidistra, Treefern and Coontie Fern. He loves being outside and at the end of the day likes knowing that he has produced a commodity that the consumer enjoys using. John and his family live in DeLeon Springs, Florida on his family farm. He recently stepped down as the President of Florida Farm Bureau after years of service to the Florida Agriculture industry. John Hoblick is a big part of why FernTrust is a “growing leader”. John and his wife Kara and children live in DeLeon Springs.
Immo Redeker brought an international flair to FernTrust. Immo was born in Germany but came to the U.S. to study engineering at Columbia University. He met his wife Kathleen in Japan while vacationing. Kathleen was serving as a missionary. They eventually married. Kathleen is Jim Register’s sister so it was only natural that as FernTrust developed in 1987, Immo would join the cooperative and support their efforts. Although Immo has passed, Kathleen continues their legacy today by raising leatherleaf and treefern on the family homestead.
Jimmy Register began his fern operation while working in the computer field. Over time, he expanded his operation to the point that it required his full attention. Fortunately for FernTrust, he brings his vast computer skills and his degree in Business Management to keep our systems and networks state of the art. Additionally his immense acreage helps satisfy the need for unique foliages. He currently produces over 20 varieties of products and is constantly looking for new varieties to add to his operation. Jimmy is married to Amy, FernTrust’s Chief Financial Officer, and they have a daughter, Meghan and a son, William.
David Register became involved in the fern industry when his family moved to the family farm in 1977. In fact, he has worked in all aspects of the industry with more than 40 years of experience. As Executive Vice President, he has helped steer Ferntrust’s growth. It was only natural for him to step up and purchase 22 acres of fern in production in 2018 to help insure Ferntrust’s future stability. His acreage includes leatherleaf, treefern, aspidistra, weeping podocarpus, and monstera. David’s two daughters, Victoria and Savanna are both involved in agriculture today.
Jana Register began her fern operations as a student in high school through her FFA project experiences. After graduation from the University of Florida with a MS in Agriculture, she and her husband Michael purchased property joining the family home stead and began producing Treefern and Plumosus in 1989. Today, she works with her son Brendan, a recent University of Florida graduate, to produce a variety of specialty foliage for Ferntrust.