When most people think of the word bouquet they think of a myriad of flowers with green foliage used simply as a backdrop. Here at FernTrust we strive to change this perception. For us there is nothing as beautiful as an arrangement filled with foliage. Green is the color of relaxation and brings calm and serenity to any decor.
Ferntrust began marketing Fabulous Foliage, the Green Bouquet, in 2001 after renowned designer Bobbi Ecker Blatchford shared this innovative idea with us. Today this design tool is used across the industry and has spawned more than 40 different recipes in three distinct sizes. From these you can find a bouquet for any day, be it parties, weddings, a gift, or just simply a way to breathe life into a room.
Thanks to J Schwanke, the Green Bouquet concept has soared to new heights. Through his webisodes and creative designs, Bobbi’s dream of the Green Bouquet as an industry standard is becoming a reality.
The next time you’re perusing arrangements at your local florist or grocery store, keep in mind the beauty of foliage and look for a Fabulous Foliage Green Bouquet, exclusively from FernTrust, to bring some light into your life that day (and for weeks to come).